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- II MaSSDI Training Course | GoGMI
Bienvenue à l'Institut Maritime du Golfe de Guinée - GoGMI Date: 2nd April - 30th May 2025 Time: 1:00pm to 3:00pm GMT Venue: Online - Zoom Participants Only: Access Course Materials Here Rationale Overview GoGMI est une organisation à but non lucratif constituée au Ghana. Il constitue un « groupe de réflexion » pour les penseurs stratégiques maritimes, les praticiens et les alliés pour interagir, partager des idées et des recherches sur les affaires maritimes stratégiques affectant la région du golfe de Guinée. L'activité principale de l'Institut est la recherche maritime stratégique, le conseil et le plaidoyer dans les domaines de la sûreté, de la sécurité et de l'environnement dans l'espace maritime ghanéen et du golfe de Guinée en général. L'objectif principal de GoGMI est de produire des recherches reconnues et de fournir des solutions d'un point de vue autochtone, s'attaquant ainsi au déséquilibre actuel dans les études maritimes de la région, où l'opinion et les intérêts locaux sont sous-représentés. a responsibility to ensure its protection at all levels. Effective maritime security strategies could provide a unique framework for attaining this. What remains crucial then, is to ground relevant maritime practitioners and policy makers in the theoretical and practical underpinnings necessary either to develop purposeful and targeted maritime security strategies, or to successfully implement existing ones within national and regional contexts. This course is intended to provide such grounding. By exposing participants to key principles and best practices for developing maritime security strategies, the programme will expand expertise necessary to ensure that African states have the strategic guidance they truly need to address their peculiar mix of maritime threats and challenges. Course Outcomes GoGMI est une organisation à but non lucratif constituée au Ghana. Il constitue un « groupe de réflexion » pour les penseurs stratégiques maritimes, les praticiens et les alliés pour interagir, partager des idées et des recherches sur les affaires maritimes stratégiques affectant la région du golfe de Guinée. L'activité principale de l'Institut est la recherche maritime stratégique, le conseil et le plaidoyer dans les domaines de la sûreté, de la sécurité et de l'environnement dans l'espace maritime ghanéen et du golfe de Guinée en général. L'objectif principal de GoGMI est de produire des recherches reconnues et de fournir des solutions d'un point de vue autochtone, s'attaquant ainsi au déséquilibre actuel dans les études maritimes de la région, où l'opinion et les intérêts locaux sont sous-représentés. 01 Generate an understanding of how to develop maritime security strategies that address Africa's unique challenges. 02 Examine the primary features that enhance the sustainability of strategies and action plans or otherwise 03 Explore tools and techniques that can facilitate the implementation of continental, regional and national maritime strategy documents 04 Equip participants with the skill sets necessary to contribute meaningfully to maritime security strategy development processes across Africa 05 Explicate the implications of strategy development processes on the success or failure of national, regional and continental strategies 06 Develop the skills of participants to collaborate with stakeholders and partners toward maritime security strategy development and implementation Course Modules 01 Maritime Security Strategy Theory 02 Assessing Maritime Security Challenges & Opportunities I & II 03 Interagency Coordination and Stakeholder Analysis I & II 04 Mid-Course Practical Exercise 05 Ends, Ways, Means 06 Maritime Strategy Implementation 07 Case Study and Course Conclusion Course Beneficiaries GoGMI est une organisation à but non lucratif constituée au Ghana. Il constitue un « groupe de réflexion » pour les penseurs stratégiques maritimes, les praticiens et les alliés pour interagir, partager des idées et des recherches sur les affaires maritimes stratégiques affectant la région du golfe de Guinée. L'activité principale de l'Institut est la recherche maritime stratégique, le conseil et le plaidoyer dans les domaines de la sûreté, de la sécurité et de l'environnement dans l'espace maritime ghanéen et du golfe de Guinée en général. L'objectif principal de GoGMI est de produire des recherches reconnues et de fournir des solutions d'un point de vue autochtone, s'attaquant ainsi au déséquilibre actuel dans les études maritimes de la région, où l'opinion et les intérêts locaux sont sous-représentés. ADMISSION FEE FOR THIS COURSE IS $450.00 $405.00 Discount ends Jan 30th 2025 10% discount for early bird registration and members of the Institute Join Our Online Course Title First name Last name Email Code Select Phone Organization/Institution Position Register Now Thanks for registering!
- Ecop Training Programme | Gulf Of Guinea Maritime Institute | Accra
The Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute is committed to creating multiple platforms for engaging youth and women in Africa’s blue economy discourse to promote diversity and inclusion in Africa’s maritime industry. Following the success of the Blue Career and Business Expo—organized to expose Ghanaian youth and early career ocean professionals to the blue economy, its challenges, and opportunities for sustainable development in 2021—a training program on the blue economy was developed for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOP), with funding support from UNESCO, to sustain the interest generated among participants of the event. The training course was organized as an important first step for engaging African ECOPs in GoGMI’s BMP to facilitate their full participation and meaningful contribution to rich dialogue concerning pertinent issues in Africa’s blue economy and to continuously develop their capacity to create the workforce that Africa needs. The ECOP Training Course was held twice this year in March and November 2022 as a 9-day event to equip the youth with first-hand knowledge about Africa’s blue economy and expose participants to various career and business opportunities in the blue industry. MODULE: THE BLUE ECONOMY AS A DRIVER OF SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR AFRICA Understanding Africa’s Blue Economy - Dr Alberta Sagoe MODULE: THE BLUE ECONOMY AS A DRIVER OF SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR AFRICA Existing and Emerging Sectors of Africa’s Blue Economy with Ms. Stephanie Schandorf MODULE: THE BUSINESS CASE FOR AFRICA'S BLUE ECONOMY Sector specific Opportunities and Challenges of Africa’s Blue Economy Fishing with Dr. Jemimah Etornam Kassah. MODULE: THE BUSINESS CASE FOR AFRICA'S BLUE ECONOMY Sector-specific Opportunities and Challenges of Africa’s Blue Economy Coastal Tourism with Prof Kwaku Boakye. MODULE: FUNDAMENTALS OF STARTING A BLUE BUSINESS From Idea to Sustainable Blue Business Solution with Mr. Solomon Torgbor. MODULE: THE BUSINESS CASE FOR AFRICA'S BLUE ECONOMY Sector-specific Opportunities and Challenges of Africa’s Blue Economy Shipping with Mr Stanley Ahorlu. MODULE: FUNDAMENTALS OF STARTING A BLUE BUSINESS Collaboration and Corporate Innovation with Ms. Belinda Agyemang Virtual Training Programme Exploring Pathways to a Vibrant Ocean Economy for Africa Background There is no doubt that global developmental debate in the last couple of years has been primarily focused on the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). What is beginning to emerge more and more is that the ocean is a pivotal tool for achieving these goals. Over the past few years, there has been a burgeoning awareness of the fact that SDG 14 on Life Below Water, is one of the primary facilitators for several other SDGs: Zero Hunger, Good Health & Well-being, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, and of course, Climate Action. The fluid, interconnected and vast nature of the globe’s shared maritime space provides a constant reminder that the most salient approaches to safeguarding our oceans cannot be based on segmented, uncoordinated efforts, but must depend on productive deliberation, knowledge sharing and the active participation of all relevant stakeholders towards effecting change on a global scale. An African Solution For developing countries like those within the West African sub-region, the ocean holds the key to sustainable economic growth and development. A vibrant ocean economy should therefore lie at the heart of national and regional agenda. One of the most crucial first steps to attaining this is by directly investing in building the capacity of Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs), primed not only to generate much needed dialogue on the ocean economy, but also to advance innovative approaches to developing a sustainable and equitable ocean economy. The Institute took tangible steps in this direction by organising the recently concluded Blue Career and Business Expo, a two-day conference that created the platform for young people to interact with maritime industry leaders on Ghana’s ocean economy. The EXPO was not conducted as an isolated event, but as the first of a series of events and activities to be organised by the GoGMI in the coming years, intended to create multi-opportunity exchange platforms for Ghanaian youth and ECOPs to be directly engaged in the development of viable pathways towards building a robust Blue Economy in Africa. In line with this ultimate objective – and to build on the momentum generated by the EXPO – GoGMI designed a nine-day capacity building programme, intended to address Challenge 4 of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science (UN Ocean Decade): develop a sustainable and equitable ocean economy. About the Programme The programme, titled Exploring Pathways to a Vibrant Ocean Economy for Africa, included a series of lectures and interactions aimed at equipping selected participants with first-hand knowledge about the blue economy. It further explored approaches to harnessing the ocean and its resources as an integral tool for advancing economic growth and development across the continent, through the development of a sustainable and equitable ocean economy. The training was held from 14th to 24th March, 2022. It was offered in partnership with the ECOP Programme, an endorsed Action of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and was funded through the generous support of the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation and the IOC-UNESCO. The course ran virtually via Zoom over a series of nine online sessions. All session videos and presentation materials have been made available to interested persons below. The detailed course syllabus, along with pre-readings can be accessed here. All selected readings are open-access documents available online (links provided). Individuals wishing to engage in self-paced learning of the topic areas are strongly encouraged to complete reading suggested materials for each session before watching session videos to gain a full contextual understanding of the lecture and subsequent discussions. SESSION 1 ECOP TRAINING PROGRAMME DAY 1: Presentation on Understanding the Ocean Economy delivered by Capt. (GN) Isaac Aratuo. Download presentation document SESSION 2 ECOP TRAINING PROGRAMME DAY 2: Presentation on Ocean Sustainability delivered by Naval Lieutenant Commander Duodu of the Ghana Navy. SESSION 3 ECOP TRAINING PROGRAMME DAY 3: Presentation on Exploring Africa's Blue Economy Sectors delivered by Mrs. Stephanie Schandorf, Associate Director of the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute. SESSION 4 ECOP TRAINING PROGRAMME DAY 4: Presentation on Impact of IUU in Africa: Awareness on the Importance of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Blue Economy delivered by Dr. Kwame Mfodwo. Download presentation document SESSION 5 ECOP TRAINING PROGRAMME DAY 5: Presentation on Equal Rights and Access to the Ocean Economy delivered by Dr. Juliet Igbo. SESSION 6 ECOP TRAINING PROGRAMME DAY 6: Presentation on From Science to Policy: Equitable and Sustainable Development of Africa's Ocean Economy delivered by Dr. Felicia Chinwe Mogo. Download presentation document SESSION 7 ECOP TRAINING PROGRAMME DAY 7: Presentation on Marine Spatial Planning delivered by Joel Kamdoum Ngueuko. SESSION 8 ECOP TRAINING PROGRAMME DAY 8: Presentation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management for Equity and Sustainability in Africa's Blue Economy delivered by Dr. Alberta Sagoe. Download presentation document SESSION 9 ECOP TRAINING PROGRAMME DAY 9: Presentation on Sustainable Fisheries Management by Dr. Evans Kwasi Arizi. Uzoma Nworgu, Cabo Verde “Learning about the Blue Economy and its need in Africa has served as a compass for me as an early career ocean professional. This is the time of the ocean, and GoGMI has done a great service to the #OceanDecade initiative by organizing such a program.”
- Support Us | GoGMI
We cannot do it alone.... Safeguarding our ocean space is a mammoth task that requires active collaboration across a broad range of stakeholders. While GoGMI has chalked some remarkable successes in the areas of ocean governance and maritime security, we cannot do it alone. By supporting the work of the Institute, you contribute meaningfully to advancing a sustainable, safe and secure maritime space in the Gulf of Guinea and beyond - one that ultimately impacts the livelihoods across the African continent. Support our major trainings and programmes Blue Mentorship Programme Read more How to DONATE: Kindly fill out the form below to support us today or contact us now via ! Support Our Cause First Name Last Name Email Choose an option Choose an option Donate in the name of: Honoree name: How did you hear about us? Enter the amount you wish to pay: GH₵ Donate
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- Introduce yourselfDans General Discussion·April 27, 2022We'd love to get to know you better. Take a moment to say hi to the community in the comments.005